自行動手做一個lego Usb


事後我上網找了找,發現可以自行製作一個lego usb手指。睇下面個網吧!

自行動手做一個lego Usb,網頁如下!動作簡單!



實驗九 DHCP服務的配置與管理(2)

 當網路中的電腦數目比較多時,可以減少網路系統管理員的工作負擔;
 減少了由於手工輸入而導致的IP位址錯誤問題,從而消除了一個常見的網路故障來源;
 可以解決網路中主機數目較多而IP位址不足的問題;
 為可擕式用戶在不同子網間頻繁移動提供方便。

 003選項:路由器(即預設閘道器)的IP地址
 006選項:DNS伺服器的IP地址
 015選項:DNS功能變數名稱
 044選項:WINS伺服器的IP地址
 046選項:NetBIOS名稱解析的類型


(1) 在IP地址為192.168.1.139的DHCP伺服器上創建兩個作用域“”和“”,然後配置伺服器選項的“003路由器”的值為“”。此時可以發現,在這兩個作用域中的作用域選項中都會自動繼承伺服器選項中“003路由器”的配置,從兩個作用域中獲得IP地址的用戶端同時獲得的預設閘道器地址為“”。
(2) 在作用域“”中配置作用域選項的“003路由器”的值為“”,此時從作用域“”獲得IP地址的用戶端同時獲得的預設閘道器地址為“”。
(3) 在作用域“”中為MAC地址是“00-10-b5-4d-8c-6f”的用戶端A新建保留,此時保留選項會自動繼承該作用域選項中“003路由器”的配置。重新配置保留客戶機選項中“003路由器”的值為“”,則電腦A獲得的預設閘道器位址為“”。
(4) 在DHCP伺服器上創建兩個用戶類“Manager”和“User”,然後在作用域“”中的作用域選項中配置使用者類“Manager”的“003路由器”選項的值為“”,配置使用者類“User”的“003路由器”選項的值為“”,則屬於“Manager”類的用戶端獲得的預設閘道器地址為“”,而屬於“User”類的用戶端獲得的預設閘道器地址為“”。

Win2000 DHCP實驗
1、設置一台win2000 server為dhcp伺服器,ip地址為192.168.1.xx(其中xx為考生考試號碼的最後兩位),並在該機上設置192.168.1.200-的作用域,並且設置192.168.1.250為保留位址。
2、設置一台win2000 professional機器為dhcp客戶機,其ip位址自動從上面配置好的dhcp伺服器獲得。
1、設置一台win2000 server為dhcp伺服器,ip地址為192.168.1.xx(其中xx為考生考試號碼的最後兩位),並在該機上設置192.168.1.200-的作用域,並且設置預設閘道器為192.168.1.188,DNS伺服器為202.96.199.133。
3、設置一台win2000 professional機器為dhcp客戶機,MobieUser的用戶類,其ip位址自動從上面配置好的dhcp伺服器獲得。
006 DNS伺服器為:
1、 在DHCP中右擊該電腦-定義使用者類,添加一個用戶類:MobieUser;
003路由器為:192.168.1. 88(即預設閘道器)
006 DNS伺服器為:
051 租約:3600
2、 命令列執行ipconfig /setclassid “本地連接” MobieUser
3、 然後執行ipconfig/renew
4、 執行ipconfig/all,可查看結果OK
1. 在電腦A上安裝DHCP服務(假設電腦A的IP位址為192.168.1.1)
2. 把電腦B設成自動獲得IP地址,即DHCP用戶端
3. 在電腦A上新建作用域,範圍為192.168.1.21-
4. 在電腦B上測試看能不能獲得此範圍內的一個IP地址
5. 配置電腦A上的DHCP的伺服器選項,將003(預設閘道器)配為192.168.1.101,並到電腦B上測試效果
6. 配置電腦A上的DHCP作用域選項,將003配為192.168.1.102,並到電腦B上測試效果
7. 配置電腦A上的DHCP保留選項,為電腦B保留IP:,到電腦B上測試效果
8. 配置電腦A上的DHCP使用者類選項,新建使用者類mobileuser(為移動用戶分配IP),並將mobileuser的003配置為192.168.1.103,把電腦B加入moblieuser使用者類,然後測試效果


Wii FreeLoader 可以讓你玩任何地區 GameCube 或 Wii 遊戲.


但有可能任天堂可能會用軟體更新令Wii FreeLoader冇用!要注意!

Gps 又一新功用! 協助認路困難的老人

Gps 又一新功用! 協助認路困難的老人


呢個設備係由Arnhem-Nijmegen University發明的!佢用左GPS,同wifi。可以見到成部車主要係由一個tablepc 同電池組成!可以用者可以知道如何去到目的地!




拆開新版 MacBook Pro !

Mac在iphone.mba(MacBookAir).又一新產品新版 MacBook Pro !

除了處理器換成 45nm 製程的 Penryn 之外,Gpu加到512mb ram,同hdd大左!其他的內部電路設計、排列都就咁睇同舊十分相似(大家可以按下睇大圖!)。



New Penryn MacBook Pro 15" Old Merom MacBook Pro 15" New Penryn MacBook Old Merom MacBook MacBook Air
Dimensions H: 1.0"
W: 14.1"
D: 9.6"
H: 1.0"
W: 14.1"
D: 9.6"
H: 1.08"
W: 12.78"
D: 8.92"
H: 1.08"
W: 12.78"
D: 8.92"
H: 0.16-076"
W: 12.8"
D: 8.94"
Weight 5.4 lbs 5.4 lbs 5.0 lbs 5.0 lbs 3.0 lbs
15.4" / 1440 x 900 15.4" / 1440 x 900 13.3" / 1280 x 800 13.3" / 1280 x 800 13.3" / 1280 x 800
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz - 2.6GHz (45nm Penryn) Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz - 2.6GHz (65nm Merom) Intel Core 2 Duo 2.1 - 2.4GHz (45nm Penryn) Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 - 2.2GHz (65nm Merom) Intel Core 2 Duo 1.6 - 1.8GHz (65nm Merom)
GPU NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT (256MB - 512MB) NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT (128MB - 256MB) Intel GMA X3100
(144MB UMA)
Intel GMA X3100
(144MB UMA)
Intel GMA X3100 (144MB UMA)
Memory 2GB - 4GB DDR2-667 2GB - 4GB DDR2-667 1GB - 4GB DDR2-667 1GB - 4GB DDR2-667 2GB DDR2-667 (fixed)
HDD 200 - 250GB 2.5" 5400RPM SATA
200GB 7200RPM SATA
120 - 250GB 2.5" 5400RPM SATA
200GB 7200RPM SATA
120 - 250GB 2.5" 5400RPM SATA HDD 80 - 160GB 2.5" 5400RPM SATA HDD 80GB 1.8" HDD
or 64GB 1.8" SSD
Optical Drive Integrated SuperDrive Integrated SuperDrive Integrated Combo drive or SuperDrive Integrated Combo drive or SuperDrive Optional External USB SuperDrive
Networking 802.11a/b/g/n
10/100/1000 Ethernet
10/100/1000 Ethernet
10/100/1000 Ethernet
10/100/1000 Ethernet
Built in iSight Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inputs 2 x USB 2.0
1 x FireWire 400
1 x FireWire 800
1 x ExpressCard/34
1 x Audio in
1 x Integrated mic
2 x USB 2.0
1 x FireWire 400
1 x FireWire 800
1 x ExpressCard/34
1 x Audio in
1 x Integrated mic
2 x USB 2.0
1 x FireWire 400
1 x Audio in
1 x Integrated mic
2 x USB 2.0
1 x FireWire 400
1 x Audio in
1 x Integrated mic
1 x USB 2.0
1 x Integrated mic
Outputs 1 x Audio
1 x dual-link DVI
1 x Audio
1 x dual-link DVI
1 x Audio
1 x mini-DVI
1 x Audio
1 x mini-DVI
1 x Audio
1 x Micro-DVI
Battery 60WHr 60WHr 55WHr 55WHr 37WHr
Price $1999
$1999 $1099 $1099 $1799


















圖中的結果,在這三個地區在中國這項調查是。 橙=上海,紅色=北京,綠色=廣州




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日 本 校 服 選 美   冠 軍 40 歲

日 本 校 服 選 美   冠 軍 40 歲

香 港 選 美 比 賽 的 收 視 越 來 越 低 , 年 年 如 是 毫 無 新 意 , 不 如 參 考 日 本 的 選 美 活 動 , 皆 因 他 們 噱 頭 多 , 像 媽 媽 校 服 選 美 比 賽 就 是 其 中 之 一 , 參 賽 媽 媽 大 部 份 已 年 屆 40 , 最 大 的 更 有 46 , 有 些 更 仔 大 女 大 。 但 她 們 個 個 像 吃 了 防 腐 劑 一 樣 , 看 似 10 多 歲 的 學 生 般 , 一 出 場 已 看 得 觀 眾 目 瞪 口 呆 , 以 為 自 己 眼 花 , 樣 貌 身 形 毫 不 遜 於 後 生 女 , 在 天 橋 上 行 catwalk , 大 擺 日 本 少 女 可 愛 模 樣 。

AppleDaily News




Asus Eee PC 有幾耐用?


p.s. 我諗冇人會唔知eeepc係何物吧...

網路問題(English Version Only)

Network Troubleshooting Overview
These sections introduce you to the concepts and practice of network troubleshooting:

Introduction to Network Troubleshooting
Network Troubleshooting Framework
Troubleshooting Strategy

Network troubleshooting means recognizing and diagnosing networking problems with the goal of keeping your network running optimally. As a network administrator, your primary concern is maintaining connectivity of all devices (a process often called fault management). You also continually evaluate and improve your network's performance. Because serious networking problems can sometimes begin as performance problems, paying attention to performance can help you address issues before they become serious.

About Connectivity Problems

Connectivity problems occur when end stations cannot communicate with other areas of your local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN). Using management tools, you can often fix a connectivity problem before users even notice it. Connectivity problems include:

Loss of connectivity - When users cannot access areas of your network, your organization's effectiveness is impaired. Immediately correct any connectivity breaks.

Intermittent connectivity - Although users have access to network resources some of the time, they are still facing periods of downtime. Intermittent connectivity problems can indicate that your network is on the verge of a major break. If connectivity is erratic, investigate the problem immediately.

Timeout problems - Timeouts cause loss of connectivity, but are often associated with poor network performance.

About Performance Problems

Your network has performance problems when it is not operating as effectively as it should. For example, response times may be slow, the network may not be as reliable as usual, and users may be complaining that it takes them longer to do their work. Some performance problems are intermittent, such as instances of duplicate addresses. Other problems can indicate a growing strain on your network, such as consistently high utilization rates.

If you regularly examine your network for performance problems, you can extend the usefulness of your existing network configuration and plan network enhancements, instead of waiting for a performance problem to adversely affect the users' productivity.

Solving Connectivity and Performance Problems

When you troubleshoot your network, you employ tools and knowledge already at your disposal. With an in-depth understanding of your network, you can use network software tools, such as
"Ping", and network devices, such as "Analyzers", to locate problems, and then make corrections, such as swapping equipment or reconfiguring segments, based on your analysis.
Transcend® provides another set of tools for network troubleshooting. These tools have graphical user interfaces that make managing and troubleshooting your network easier. With
"Transcend Applications", you can:

Baseline your network's normal status to use as a basis for comparison when the network operates abnormally

Precisely monitor network events

Be notified immediately of critical problems on your network, such as a device losing connectivity

Establish alert thresholds to warn you of potential problems that you can correct before they affect your network

Resolve problems by disabling ports or reconfiguring devices

"Your Network Troubleshooting Toolbox" for details about each troubleshooting tool.
Network Troubleshooting Framework

The International Standards Organization (ISO) Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) reference model is the foundation of all network communications. This seven-layer structure provides a clear picture of how network communications work.

Protocols (rules) govern communications between the layers of a single system and among several systems. In this way, devices made by different manufacturers or using different designs can use different protocols and still communicate.

By understanding how network troubleshooting fits into the framework of the OSI model, you can identify at what layer problems are located and which type of troubleshooting tools to use. For example, unreliable packet delivery can be caused by a problem with the transmission media or with a router configuration. If you are receiving high rates of
"FCS Errors" and "Alignment Errors", which you can monitor with Status Watch, then the problem is probably located at the physical layer and not the network layer. Figure 1 shows how to troubleshoot the layers of the OSI model.
Table 5 describes the data that the network management tools can collect as it relates to the OSI model layers.

Table 5 Network Data and the OSI Model Layers


Data Collected

TranscendcNCS Tool Used





Protocol information and other Remote Monitoring (RMON) and RMON2 data

LANsentry Manager
Traffix Manager(for more detail)


Routing information

Status Watch
LANsentry Manager(for more detail)

Traffix Manager(for more detail)

Data Link

Traffic counts and other packet breakdowns

Status Watch

LANsentry Manager(for more detail)


Error counts

Status Watch

Figure 1 OSI Reference Model and Network Troubleshooting

For information about network troubleshooting tools, see
"Your Network Troubleshooting Toolbox".
Troubleshooting Strategy

How do you know when you are having a network problem? The answer to this question depends on your site's network configuration and on your network's normal behavior. See
"Knowing Your Network" for more information.
If you notice changes on your network, ask the following questions:

Is the change expected or unusual?

Has this event ever occurred before?

Does the change involve a device or network path for which you already have a backup solution in place?

Does the change interfere with vital network operations?

Does the change affect one or many devices or network paths?

After you have an idea of how the change is affecting your network, you can categorize it as critical or noncritical. Both of these categories need resolution (except for changes that are one-time occurrences); the difference between the categories is the time that you have to fix the problem.

By using a strategy for network troubleshooting, you can approach a problem methodically and resolve it with minimal disruption to network users. It is also important to have an accurate and detailed map of your current network environment. Beyond that, a good approach to problem resolution is:

Recognizing Symptoms
Understanding the Problem
Identifying and Testing the Cause of the Problem
Solving the Problem
Recognizing Symptoms

The first step to resolving any problem is to identify and interpret the symptoms. You may discover network problems in several ways. Users may complain that the network seems slow or that they cannot connect to a server. You may pass your network management station and notice that a node icon is red. Your beeper may go off and display the message: WAN connection down.

User Comments

Although you can often solve networking problems before users notice a change in their environment, you invariably get feedback from your users about how the network is running, such as:

They cannot print.

They cannot access the application server.

It takes them much longer to copy files across the network than it usually does.

They cannot log on to a remote server.

When they send e-mail to another site, they get a routing error message.

Their system freezes whenever they try to Telnet.

Network Management Software Alerts

Network management software, as described in
"Your Network Troubleshooting Toolbox", can alert you to areas of your network that need attention. For example:

The application displays red (Warning) icons.

Your weekly Top-N utilization report (which indicates the 10 ports with the highest utilization rates) shows that one port is experiencing much higher utilization levels than normal.

You receive an e-mail message from your network management station that the threshold for broadcast and multicast packets has been exceeded.

These signs usually provide additional information about the problem, allowing you to focus on the right area.

Analyzing Symptoms

When a symptom occurs, ask yourself these types of questions to narrow the location of the problem and to get more data for analysis:

To what degree is the network not acting normally (for example, does it now take one minute to perform a task that normally takes five seconds)?

On what subnetwork is the user located?

Is the user trying to reach a server, end station, or printer on the same subnetwork or on a different subnetwork?

Are many users complaining that the network is operating slowly or that a specific network application is operating slowly?

Are many users reporting network logon failures?

Are the problems intermittent? For example, some files may print with no problems, while other printing attempts generate error messages, make users lose their connections, and cause systems to freeze.

Understanding the Problem

Networks are designed to move data from a transmitting device to a receiving device. When communication becomes problematic, you must determine why data are not traveling as expected and then find a solution. The two most common causes for data not moving reliably from source to destination are:

The physical connection breaks (that is, a cable is unplugged or broken).

A network device is not working properly and cannot send or receive some or all data.

Network management software can easily locate and report a physical connection break (layer 1 problem). It is more difficult to determine why a network device is not working as expected, which is often related to a layer 2 or a layer 3 problem.

To determine why a network device is not working properly, look first for:

Valid service - Is the device configured properly for the type of service it is supposed to provide? For example, has Quality of Service (QoS), which is the definition of the transmission parameters, been established?

Restricted access - Is an end station supposed to be able to connect with a specific device or is that connection restricted? For example, is a firewall set up that prevents that device from accessing certain network resources?

Correct configuration - Is there a misconfiguration of IP address, subnet mask, gateway, or broadcast address? Network problems are commonly caused by misconfiguration of newly connected or configured devices. See
"Manager-to-Agent Communication" for more information.
Identifying and Testing the Cause of the Problem

After you develop a theory about the cause of the problem, test your theory. The test must conclusively prove or disprove your theory.

Two general rules of troubleshooting are:

If you cannot reproduce a problem, then no problem exists unless it happens again on its own.

If the problem is intermittent and you cannot replicate it, you can configure your network management software to catch the event in progress.

For example, with
"LANsentry Manager", you can set alarms and automatic packet capture filters to monitor your network and inform you when the problem occurs again. See "Configuring Transcend NCS" for more information.
Although network management tools can provide a great deal of information about problems and their general location, you may still need to swap equipment or replace components of your network until you locate the exact trouble spot.

After you test your theory, either fix the problem as described in
"Solving the Problem" or develop another theory.
Sample Problem Analysis

This section illustrates the analysis phase of a typical troubleshooting incident.

On your network, a user cannot access the mail server. You need to establish two areas of information:

What you know - In this case, the user's workstation cannot communicate with the mail server.

What you do not know and need to test -

Can the workstation communicate with the network at all, or is the problem limited to communication with the server? Test by sending a
"Ping" or by connecting to other devices.
Is the workstation the only device that is unable to communicate with the server, or do other workstations have the same problem? Test connectivity at other workstations.

If other workstations cannot communicate with the server, can they communicate with other network devices? Again, test the connectivity.

The analysis process follows these steps:

1 . Can the workstation communicate with any other device on the subnetwork?

If no, then go to step 2.

If yes, determine if only the server is unreachable.

If only the server cannot be reached, this suggests a server problem. Confirm by doing step 2.

If other devices cannot be reached, this suggests a connectivity problem in the network. Confirm by doing step 3.

2 . Can other workstations communicate with the server?

If no, then most likely it is a server problem. Go to step 3.

If yes, then the problem is that the workstation is not communicating with the subnetwork. (This situation can be caused by workstation issues or a network issue with that specific station.)

3 . Can other workstations communicate with other network devices?

If no, then the problem is likely a network problem.

If yes, the problem is likely a server problem.

When you determine whether the problem is with the server, subnetwork, or workstation, you can further analyze the problem, as follows:

For a problem with the server - Examine whether the server is running, if it is properly connected to the network, and if it is configured appropriately.

For a problem with the subnetwork - Examine any device on the path between the users and the server.

For a problem with the workstation - Examine whether the workstation can access other network resources and if it is configured to communicate with that particular server.

Equipment for Testing

To help identify and test the cause of problems, have available:

A laptop computer that is loaded with a terminal emulator, TCP/IP stack, TFTP server, CD-ROM drive (to read the online documentation), and some key network management applications, such as LANsentry® Manager. With the laptop computer, you can plug into any subnetwork to gather and analyze data about the segment.

A spare managed hub to swap for any hub that does not have management. Swapping in a managed hub allows you to quickly spot which port is generating the errors.

A single port probe to insert in the network if you are having a problem where you do not have management capability.

Console cables for each type of connector, labeled and stored in a secure place.

Solving the Problem

Many device or network problems are straightforward to resolve, but others yield misleading symptoms. If one solution does not work, continue with another.

A solution often involves:

Upgrading software or hardware (for example, upgrading to a new version of agent software or installing Gigabit Ethernet devices)

Balancing your network load by analyzing:

What users communicate with which servers

What the user traffic levels are in different segments

Based on these findings, you can decide how to redistribute network traffic.

Adding segments to your LAN (for example, adding a new switch where utilization is continually high)

Replacing faulty equipment (for example, replacing a module that has port problems or replacing a network card that has a faulty jabber protection mechanism)

To help solve problems, have available:

Spare hardware equipment (such as modules and power supplies), especially for your critical devices

A recent backup of your device configurations to reload if flash memory gets corrupted (which can sometimes happen due to a power outage)

Use the Transcend NCS application suite Network Admin Tools to save and reload your software configurations to devices.



結束hd dvd 後,Toshiba 使用835百萬美元返回ps3

90nm Cell/B.E. 晶片會安置在PlayStation 3上,
現在開始由Toshiba生產. (Source: DailyTech)

現在HD-DVD己正式收工,大家都知道Toshiba己準備有向blue ray了。

相信大家對sony 出售cell處理器和rsx顯示晶片生產業務與toshiba 合組成一間新的合營公司,早有所聞!
而cell處理器是由Toshiba, IBM and Sony 共同開發的!可惜toshiba 又冇點利用呢樣野。因為,
Sony 就用Cell係Playstation3;IBM用Cell 係d電腦系統.Toshiba 暫時真係唔知佢做咩。

上年10月,sony同Toshiba 己討論其合作方案,主要都係出售金額,SONY 用一個很吸引的價錢出售其生產業務。為了令Toshiba同意結束其HD-DVD的生產事業務,相信這項是列在一些不正式合約條款吧!


Bandai 最新玩具 未來預測機!



一開始佢會問你一d問題針你的個性(日文),之後按你的答案,同你間人物比意見。你又可以問下佢問題(約50種類)!同埋可以同其人通訊.睇下大家性格夾唔夾! bandai個網仲話係由2位專家所合作開發的!



售價是 ¥2,980 (hkd$約210元) ,不是十分貴!


星球大戰 statwar r2-d2機械人(dvd player連投影機 )預售了!

所有R2-D2 機械人都準備發售lo.

星球大戰 statwar中的 r2-d2機械人!現在開始公開預售了!



你都可以開發x-box 360 遊戲

你都可以開發x-box 360遊戲

由microsoft的副總裁John Schappert宣佈,玩家可以利用xbox 360 live,發表自行開發的x-box 360 的遊戲。你只要購買Microsoft XNA Game Studio Software ($99美金每年) 或成為XNA Creators Club 的會員。


現在人人都可以自行開發遊戲的時間到了,microsoft這個行為打xbox360推向重量的方面,相信為數不小的遊戲很快就會出現在xbox live.

ps3應如何應對?本來blue-ray 是對ps3很有利的賣點,但面對microsoft 這個強大的對手?會否開放天價的開發軟件?

Toshiba 停止開發 HD DVD.

Toshiba 停止開發 HD DVD.

引自 toshiba 的"no longer develop, manufacture and market HD DVD players and recorders".
(中止開發,生產hd dvd 播放機和燒錄機)
但toshiba會支援己售出的hd dvd player.但不會在出貨。


很多人認為這是一個好事,因為早日結束格式上的戰爭,消費者會得益。但老虎仔認為當咁早就結束格式之爭,主因是sony成功得到各大片商的支持,要它們支持,當然要以商業利益作出交換。現在一家獨大,難保其售價。相信還要待一些時間,blue-ray 才可以不用超過100港元一隻。


最大得益者,一定是最平的blueray player -playstation3. 因為它是不止是最平,還是2.0的播放機!(blueray2.0 必要有harddisk同network功能,以作網路更新)現時其他所有blueray player 都是2.0以下的。所以,誰也知道要睇blueray,ps3是現時最好的選擇!


可能大家都知道i-tunes,是網上售賣音樂,影片可以下載到到i-pod的網頁。老虎仔想,未來所有的電影,音樂,遊戲,都可以利用網路行銷。而傳統光碟,只是會佔很小的市場,所以blue ray是勝了hddvd,但在未來數年,到底誰才是格式之戰真正的勝利者?


hi phone同i phone 有9成9相似的手電!

中國又一新發明!hi phone!
沒錯!介面和外形都和apple i phone有99%相似,而價格更十今人難以相信的低!只要1000rmb.就是us$130.



hi phone的規格

99% iPhone lookalike (clone) is in stock. We offer unbeatable price to our valued customers only! This is our way to say "Thanks" for your support over the years.

Main features at a glance:

1. 3.5" big screen that supports finger touch and no keypad, touch pen needed.
同iphone 一樣,可以有2點 touch,
2. Dual SIM slots that holds two SIM chips and supports SIM card switching.
勁過iphone .支援2張sim 卡.冇lock
3. Triband GSM 900/1800/1900MHz that supports USA GSM standard.
4. Web addresses entering; web browsing, WAP setting, web address management.
好似沒有wireless 功能
5. Unlocked to any major network carrier.
6. SMS, MMS, voicemail and cell broadcast
7. MP3, MP4, file playing, recording, phone call recording.
8. Capturing, video capturing, photo viewing, playing
9. Hands free speaker phone. 3D sound.
10. Bluetooth supported.
11. TF card supported.
可以自己加入tf 卡
12. Diversified screen switch
13. One-Key return
14. Automatic screen rotation

Accessories: 2 batteries, Charger, USB Cable, Earphone, 512M T-Flash Card, User Manual, Phone Cover 仲可以自己更換電池.

正如上面的比較,hiphone在很多方面都比iphone好,2sim卡,冇hardware lock,仲可以自己用tf card.但按了解,hiphone 的作業系統和iphone不同的,所以iphone的程式是不能在hiphone使用的,也是

唔知係咪抄得太足,開發者怕比人人告,係網上冇方法可以找到hi phone 的官網,但我也只找到一些資料。

老虎仔認為hiphone ,始終都係抄襲iphone.所以難以成名,但1000rmb的售價實在十分吸引,連ebay都有得賣!如果想買返部後備機,都可以諗諗!而本人就一定只支持正板iphone.


