2.1 iphone

Step 1) Download the 2.1 3g firmware or 2g firmware.
下載2.1版軟件 3G OR 2G

Step 2) Install itunes v8 - you can get all versions of iTunes here.

Step 3) Update the iphone with iTunes and make sure it is activated!

Step 4) Uninstall iTunes v8

Step 5) Uninstall Apple Mobile Device Support (From Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel)
在控制面板的安裝/卸載程序中卸載 Apple Mobile Device Support

Step 6) Install itunes v7.7.*

Step 7) Download quickpwn with the correct 2.1 bundle inside it here.

Step 8) Run quickpwn…select your iPhone1,1_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw from step 1.

Step 9) You can select cydia and installer and logos if you wish (make sure you select Cydia).

Step 10) When it is finished the phone will reboot…Cydia and Installer will NOT be visible
破解完後iphone自動重啟,但是現在看不到ydia and Installer

Step 11) Download TotalCommander and t-pot addon
下載 TotalCommander t-pot addon

Step 12) Install TotalCommander and in the left pane navigate to T-PoT.1.1.zip and click on it. It will install t-pot automatically.
安裝 TotalCommander和

Step 13) Download the mobileinstallation patch
下載 mobileinstallation補丁(安裝破解ipa使用)

Step 14) Use Totalcommander to install patched mobileinstallation to /System/Library/PrivateFrameWorks/MobileInstallation.framework … clickon the dropdown box [-\-] top left and select network neighborhood then t-pot. Reme,ber to back up your original mobileinstallation first!

使用 Totalcommander安裝補丁到/System/Library/PrivateFrameWorks/MobileInstallation.framework,記得先備份原來的文件

Step 15) Still in TotalCommander delete /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installation.plist

Step 16) Reboot the phone and all is good!


Step 12)
打開tcmd704a.exe 安裝Total Commander, 安裝完畢後在Commander裡打開T-PoT.1.1.zip, 此時Commander會提示你安裝插件, 一切安裝就緒後, 關閉Commander重新打開

Warning: at this point, no 3rd party apps show up after install. Will update this as soon as we have a solution
警告: 這時,第三者apps沒在install.以後出現。 當我們有一種解答,將更新此

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